2009 flu pandemic in France

The 2009 flu pandemic, involving an outbreak of a new strain of influenza commonly known as swine flu (usually referred as grippe A or grippe porcine in French), reached France in early May 2009.

In order to respond to flu epidemics in France, the government has a "national plan",[1] which is also applied for this flu pandemic. In this plan, the different phases of the flu, which are slightly different from the OMS phases, are detailed.


Organisations involved in France

Government reaction to the flu

A governmental web site has been created[6] to inform the population of the dangers and good practices to avoid the spread of the disease.

The French government lags behind the decision of the World Health Organization to upgrade to phase 6. It is currently in phase 5A in France.[7]

A mandatory mass vaccination plan has been discussed.[8][9] This vaccination plan is currently implemented, it is free and not mandatory.

In July 2010, France initially ordered 1,46 doses per inhabitant, the third largest amount among members of the Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI), behind the United Kingdom and Canada. In January, 50 million of the initial 94 million doses were cancelled.[10]



The French government asks Europe to decide to cancel all flights to Mexico.

Stocks of Tamiflu and Relenza are 33 million.


On 1 May, the French Health Minister has confirmed, during the 8 p.m. TF1 news, that 2 cases of A(H1N1) flu have been detected in France.[11][12][13]

The government discusses the possibility of ordering 100 million vaccine doses against the flu from three companies (GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi and Novartis).

The French government plans to vaccinate the entire French population (65 million inhabitants)[14]











France, by region

The detailed situation by region is updated by the National Institute of Health[42]

See also


  1. ^ (French) Plan national de prevention et de lutte "Pandemie grippale". Accessed 2009-08-28. Archived 2009-09-10.
  2. ^ (French) invs.sante.fr. Accessed 2009-08-28. Archived 2009-09-10.
  3. ^ (French)GROG website
  4. ^ Weekly bulletin of the Regional Flu Observational Groups
  5. ^ (English)Sentinelles Network website
  6. ^ (French) Pandemie grippale.gouv.fr
  7. ^ (French) France keeps level 5A. Accessed 2009-08-28. Archived 2009-09-10.
  8. ^ (English) voltairenet.org: Sarkozys Secret Plan for Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination
  9. ^ (French) Nouvel Obs, Une campagne de vaccination obligatoire serait envisagee , 31/05/2009
  10. ^ http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2010/01/08/01011-20100108FILWWW00610-commande-de-vaccins-h1n1-france-3e.php
  11. ^ "Grippe A: deux cas avérés en France". Lexpress.fr. http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/sciences/sante/grippe-a-deux-cas-averes-en-france_757934.html#xtor=AL-447. Retrieved 2009-05-02. 
  12. ^ (French) Le Monde, La France contaminee a son tour par le virus A(H1N1) , May 2
  13. ^ (French) 20minutes.fr
  14. ^ (French) Le journal du dimanche, "The secret plan against the flu", May 30, 2009
  15. ^ (French) Roselyne Bachelot, Press conference, June 12th
  16. ^ (French) tf1.lci.fr
  17. ^ (French) Institut de veille sanitaire, BULLETIN EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE GRIPPE A(H1N1) 18 June 2009 @ 6pm
  18. ^ (French) Institut de veille sanitaire, BULLETIN EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE GRIPPE A(H1N1) 26 June 2009
  19. ^ (French) Interview of Roselyne Bachelot, I-Tele, July 3, 2009. Accessed 2009-08-28. Archived 2009-09-10.
  20. ^ Les Echos, 1 August 2009
  21. ^ Grippe A : le CFCM déconseille de se rendre en pèlerinage à La Mecque
  22. ^ (French)Grippe A: France Télévisions peaufine son scénario-catastrophe, 20 Minutes, 12/08/2009
  23. ^ (French)Article from La Tribune.fr, 18/08/2009
  24. ^ (French)Bulletin grippe AH1N1, 25/08/2009. Accessed 2009-08-28. Archived 2009-09-10.
  25. ^ (French)"Grippe A/H1N1 : un plan de vaccination gratuite et non obligatoire prêt à être activé dès le 28 septembre, si besoin est". Associated Press, 27/08/2009
  26. ^ "Grippe A: 6 cas à Castres" (in French) (Press release). Ligue Nationale de Rugby. 2009-08-28. http://www.lnr.fr/Client/Menus.asp?CR=16354&CSR=16373&CSSR=16423&Cle=113402. Retrieved 2009-08-29. 
  27. ^ "TOP 14 Orange : Deux matchs reportes" (in French) (Press release). Ligue Nationale de Rugby. 2009-08-28. http://www.lnr.fr/Menus.asp?CR=16373&CSR=16373&Cle=113407. Retrieved 2009-08-29. 
  28. ^ [1]
  29. ^ (French)http://news.doctissimo.fr/grippe-a-roselyne-bachelot-confirme-le-debut-de-l-epidemie_article5777.html] h1n1 flu : Roselyne Bachelot confirms that the epidemic is starting.
  30. ^ (French) Grippe A : le virus devrait toucher 20% des Français by Société française de médecine d'urgence and Samu de France, October 12, 2009
  31. ^ (French) Press release from Institut de veille sanitaire; 24 November 2009
  32. ^ (French) Le Monde/AFP; 26 November 2009
  33. ^ (French) Press release from Institut de veille sanitaire; 27 November 2009
  34. ^ (French) La depeche; 11 December 2009
  35. ^ (French) [2]
  36. ^ (English) French move fuels fears for flu vaccine sales; Reuters, 5 January 2010
  37. ^ (French) Institut national de veille sanitaire, 19 January 2010
  38. ^ (French)Grippe H1N1: recentrage de la vaccination sur les personnes à risque (AFP, 10 February)[3] [4]
  39. ^ (French)INVS bulletin, March 31
  40. ^ (French)Près de 6 millions de Français vaccinés contre la grippe A (H1N1)
  41. ^ (French)H1N1: une facture à 670 millions d'euros pour la vaccination
  42. ^ (French) Institut de veille sanitaire. Accessed 2009-08-28. Archived 2009-09-10.

External links